Kouros, entrepreneur
In addition to its investor activity, Kouros is also an entrepreneur thanks to the support of its founder, the multidisciplinary nature of its teams and the richness of its network of partners.
Kouros imagines new ideas and projects which, at the end of its internal incubation process, can give lead to new activities and companies.

Carbonloop offers a decarbonation service for industrial customers by providing them with a supply of renewable, carbon-negative gas produced on site through the co-production of biochar, a certified carbon sink. Carbonloop also produces renewable, carbon-negative hydrogen using the same process.
Carbonloop aims to decarbonize 1 million tonnes of CO2 per year by 2030 and to have a direct presence over approximately 100 industrial sites in Europe.

Hyliko provides a decarbonation service for heavy-duty trucks’ fleets through a hydrogen mobility platform proposing service that includes the leasing of vehicles and their maintenance, the supply of hydrogen through its network of stations, as well as the management and certification of the carbon footprint. In order to significantly reduce the additional costs of switching to hydrogen, Hyliko relies on carbon-negative hydrogen produced by Carbonloop from biomass residues.
Hyliko aims to decarbonize 1 million tonnes of CO2 per year and 10% of the European hydrogen truck market by 2030, i.e. around 10,000 trucks and a hundred or so service stations.

Hydrogen Edge is Kouros dedicated international development and investment platform. It develops a global approach to the production of renewable electricity through the commercialisation of hydrogen and its derivatives.
Hydrogen Edge focuses primarily on the uses of hydrogen produced at a very large scale, whatever their form or use: pure hydrogen, ammonia, Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and methanol. These products are set to become the decarbonised feedstocks and energy carriers for industry and the decarbonised fuels for marine transport and aviation.
Hydrogen Edge is both :
✓ A development platform for Kouros own massive hydrogen production projects
✓ An investment platform to invest in third party companies and projects
Hydrogen Edge’s target is 10 GW of electrolysis by 2030, representing an annual production of about 1 million tons of hydrogen.